Appointments Policy

Failed, Missed & Cancelled Appointments

We endeavor to manage our appointments system to avoid delays in appointment times and minimize loss of surgery time through cancellations and failed appointments.

Practice Appointment System

  • We try not to keep you waiting and to see you as close to your appointment time. Where there is a delay, we will explain the reasons.
  • If we need to change or cancel an appointment, we will give you as much notice as possible, and explain the reasons.
  • We will let you know if there is a change in the dentist that you will see and explain the reason for the change.


  • We will be courteous, friendly and professional always.
  • We will respond promptly to telephone calls and never ask you to ‘hold’ without first finding out why you have called.
  • You will receive full information about our services and our policy for collecting fees, including the methods of payment that we accept.
  • We will explain your treatment options and costs, answer your questions and allow you time to consider the best for you.
  • We will provide a treatment plan and estimate of costs for each new course of treatment and seek your full and specific consent before providing any treatment.
  • We will provide urgent advice and care during practice hours as soon as is practicable. We will refer you for further professional advice and treatment when appropriate.
  • We will respond to correspondence within five days of receipt.
  • We encourage you to provide feedback; we will listen to your views and learn from them.
  • We make it easy for you to complain or raise a concern about any aspect of the care or service that you have received. Our procedure for dealing with complaints is available on our Practice notice board this can also be found on our website.

We ask that you:

  • Participate in your dental treatment, particularly any advice about prevention and diet that we have asked you to continue at home.
  • Arrive on time for your appointment.
  • Let us know if you are unable to keep your appointment; please give at least 48 hours’ notice. Private appointments may be chargeable if we have not been notified for NHS patients the practice will allow only 2 missed appointments.
  • When a patient accumulates 2 missed appointments/late cancelled appointments, a restriction will be in place and no further appointments can be made under the NHS at this Practice.

An appointment is considered to have been missed or late cancelled if any of the following occur:

  1. The patient does not attend the appointment
  2. The patient arrives more than 10 minutes late for a scheduled appointment.
  3. The patient calls to cancel at short notice (less than 24 hours) without valid reason

When a patient has not attended the practice for an appointment within a 5-year period the patient will no longer be a registered NHS patient, if the patient is in pain, they will be able to access the Greater Manchester Urgent Dental Services on 0333 332 3800.

If you are looking to register with an NHS dentist, you can search dentists online at NHS choices alternatively you can call 0300 311 2233.

Please tell us if your contact details (address, telephone number, email or name) changes so that we can keep our records up to date and ensure that we are able to contact you.

Treat our staff courteously and they will do their best to help meet your needs.

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